How to Extract Names & First Row of table() in R (2 Examples)
This page illustrates how to extract the first row and the table names from a table() object in R.
Creation of Exemplifying Data
data(iris) # Load data tab_iris <- table(iris$Species) # Create example table tab_iris # Display example table in RStudio console # # setosa versicolor virginica # 50 50 50 |
data(iris) # Load data tab_iris <- table(iris$Species) # Create example table tab_iris # Display example table in RStudio console # # setosa versicolor virginica # 50 50 50
Example 1: Get Names of Table
names(tab_iris) # Display table names # [1] "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica" |
names(tab_iris) # Display table names # [1] "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica"
Example 2: Get Values of Table
as.numeric(tab_iris) # Display table values # [1] 50 50 50 |
as.numeric(tab_iris) # Display table values # [1] 50 50 50
Further Resources & Related Tutorials
In the following, you can find some further resources on topics such as extracting data, numeric values, and matrices: