is.null Function in R (Example)

This tutorial illustrates how to check whether an object is NULL with the is.null() function in the R programming language.

Example 1: Applying is.null Function

Example data:

x1 <- "some text"    # Create a data object

Check if example data is a NULL object:

is.null(x1)          # Apply is.null function

The RStudio console returns the logical value FALSE, i.e. our data object is not a NULL object.

Create exemplifying NULL object:

x2 <- NULL           # Create a NULL object

Application of is.null function to real NULL object:

is.null(x2)          # Apply is.null function

The is.null function returns TRUE, since our second example data x2 is actually a NULL object.

Example 2: Check if Object is NOT NULL

Similar to other is… functions such as or is.nan, we can also check if a data object is NOT NULL.

We simply have to add a bang (i.e. !) in front of is.null:

!is.null(x1)         # Apply !is.null function

x1 is not NULL and therefore !is.null returns TRUE.

!is.null(x2)         # Apply !is.null function

x2 is NULL and therefore !is.null returns FALSE.

is.null Function Explained in a Video Tutorial


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