R Conditional Replacement of Certain Values in Data Frame (Example Code)

In this R article you’ll learn how to exchange specific values in the columns of a data frame based on a logical condition.

Creation of Example Data

my_df <- data.frame(x1 = 1:10,    # Creating example data frame
                    x2 = 5:14,
                    x3 = 7)
my_df                             # Showing example data frame in RStudio console
#    x1 x2 x3
# 1   1  5  7
# 2   2  6  7
# 3   3  7  7
# 4   4  8  7
# 5   5  9  7
# 6   6 10  7
# 7   7 11  7
# 8   8 12  7
# 9   9 13  7
# 10 10 14  7

Example: Replace Certain Value in Data Frame by New Value

my_df[my_df == 7] <- 555          # Replace 7 by 555
my_df                             # Print new data frame
#     x1  x2  x3
# 1    1   5 555
# 2    2   6 555
# 3    3 555 555
# 4    4   8 555
# 5    5   9 555
# 6    6  10 555
# 7  555  11 555
# 8    8  12 555
# 9    9  13 555
# 10  10  14 555

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