R Calculate Critical Values of Student’s t-Distribution (2 Examples)
In this article you’ll learn how to calculate critical t-values in the R programming language.
Example 1: Critical t-Statistic of 1-Sided t-Test
abs(qt(0.01, 1)) # 1-sided 99% confidence level, 1 DF # [1] 31.82052 |
abs(qt(0.01, 1)) # 1-sided 99% confidence level, 1 DF # [1] 31.82052
Example 2: Critical t-Statistic of 2-Sided t-Test
abs(qt(0.01 / 2, 1)) # 2-sided 99% confidence level, 1 DF # [1] 63.65674 |
abs(qt(0.01 / 2, 1)) # 2-sided 99% confidence level, 1 DF # [1] 63.65674