Convert List of Multiple Vectors to Single Vector in R (Example Code)
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to transform several vectors in a list to a single vector in the R programming language.
Creation of Exemplifying Data
example_list <- list(LETTERS[1:3], # Constructing example list in R letters[10:5], "XYX", c("A", "a", "A", "a")) example_list # Displaying example list in RStudio console # [[1]] # [1] "A" "B" "C" # # [[2]] # [1] "j" "i" "h" "g" "f" "e" # # [[3]] # [1] "XYX" # # [[4]] # [1] "A" "a" "A" "a" |
example_list <- list(LETTERS[1:3], # Constructing example list in R letters[10:5], "XYX", c("A", "a", "A", "a")) example_list # Displaying example list in RStudio console # [[1]] # [1] "A" "B" "C" # # [[2]] # [1] "j" "i" "h" "g" "f" "e" # # [[3]] # [1] "XYX" # # [[4]] # [1] "A" "a" "A" "a"
Example: Unlist List of Vectors
unlist(example_list) # Converting list to vector # [1] "A" "B" "C" "j" "i" "h" "g" "f" "e" "XYX" "A" "a" # [13] "A" "a" |
unlist(example_list) # Converting list to vector # [1] "A" "B" "C" "j" "i" "h" "g" "f" "e" "XYX" "A" "a" # [13] "A" "a"