How to Reorder Rows of a data.table in R (Example Code)

This page shows how to sort the rows of a data.table in R programming.

Setting up the Example

install.packages("data.table")                  # Install & load data.table
my_df <- data.table(A = c(2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3),    # Construct new data.table
                    B = c("x", "a", "f", "f", "a", "x"))
my_df                                           # Display data.table in RStudio console
#    A B
# 1: 2 x
# 2: 2 a
# 3: 3 f
# 4: 2 f
# 5: 1 a
# 6: 3 x

Example: Sorting Rows of data.table Using setorder() Function

setorder(my_df)                                 # Sorting data.table
my_df                                           # Displaying updated data.table
#    A B
# 1: 1 a
# 2: 2 a
# 3: 2 f
# 4: 2 x
# 5: 3 f
# 6: 3 x

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