R Warning message: ‘newdata’ had N rows but variables found have M rows (2 Examples)

In this tutorial, I’ll illustrate how to avoid the “Warning message: ‘newdata’ had N rows but variables found have M rows” in R.

Creation of Example Data

data(iris)                                                # Loading iris data set
set.seed(6593947)                                         # Split iris into two subsets
split_dummy <- rbinom(nrow(iris), 1, prob = 0.3)
a <- iris[split_dummy == 0, "Sepal.Length"]               # First subset
b <- iris[split_dummy == 0, "Sepal.Width"]
c <- iris[split_dummy == 1, "Sepal.Width"]                # Second subset
iris_mod <- lm(a ~ b)                                     # Applying lm() function

Example 1: Replicating the Warning: ‘newdata’ had N rows but variables found have M rows

predicted_values <- predict(iris_mod, data.frame(c))      # Applying predict() function
# Warning message:
# 'newdata' had 46 rows but variables found have 104 rows

Example 2: Solving the Warning: ‘newdata’ had N rows but variables found have M rows

predicted_values <- predict(iris_mod, data.frame(b = c))  # Proper usage of predict()
head(predicted_values)                                    # Display predicted values in RStudio
#        1        2        3        4        5        6 
# 5.879750 5.819144 5.773690 5.803993 5.910052 5.773690

Related Tutorials & Further Resources

Please find some related tutorials on topics such as variables, loops, and extracting data in the following list:

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