Pairs Plot in R (2 Examples)

This page shows how to draw a pairs plot in the R programming language.

Example 1: Square Polygon

Example data:

set.seed(765)                                            # Set seed
my_data <- data.frame(x = rnorm(1000),                   # Create example data
                      y = rnorm(1000),
                      z = rnorm(1000))

Basic application of pairs function:

pairs(my_data)                                           # Basic pairs plot in R

basic pairs plot r programming

Example 2: Density Polygon

Adding group variable to example data:

my_data$group <- NA                                      # Create group variable
my_data$group[my_data$x < -0.5] <- 1
my_data$group[my_data$x >= -0.5 & my_data$x < 0] <- 2
my_data$group[my_data$x >= 0 & my_data$x < 1] <- 3
my_data$group[my_data$x > 1] <- 4
my_data$group <- as.factor(my_data$group)

Pairs plot with colors by group:

pairs(my_data[ , 1:3], col = my_data$group)              # Pairs plot color by group

color by group pairs plot r programming

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