R Grouping data.table by Multiple Variables (Example Code)

In this article you’ll learn how to group data tables in R.

Preparing the Example

install.packages("data.table")                                 # Install & load data.table package
my_table <- data.table(ID1 = rep(c("X", "Y", "Z"), each = 6),  # Constructing example data.table
                       ID2 = c("foo", "bar"),
                       value = 1:18)
my_table                                                       # Showing data.table in RStudio
#     ID1 ID2 value
#  1:   X foo     1
#  2:   X bar     2
#  3:   X foo     3
#  4:   X bar     4
#  5:   X foo     5
#  6:   X bar     6
#  7:   Y foo     7
#  8:   Y bar     8
#  9:   Y foo     9
# 10:   Y bar    10
# 11:   Y foo    11
# 12:   Y bar    12
# 13:   Z foo    13
# 14:   Z bar    14
# 15:   Z foo    15
# 16:   Z bar    16
# 17:   Z foo    17
# 18:   Z bar    18

Example: Grouping data.table Based On Multiple Variables

my_table[ , sum:=sum(value), by = list(ID1, ID2)]              # Grouping data.table
my_table                                                       # Showing updated data.table in RStudio
#     ID1 ID2 value sum
#  1:   X foo     1   9
#  2:   X bar     2  12
#  3:   X foo     3   9
#  4:   X bar     4  12
#  5:   X foo     5   9
#  6:   X bar     6  12
#  7:   Y foo     7  27
#  8:   Y bar     8  30
#  9:   Y foo     9  27
# 10:   Y bar    10  30
# 11:   Y foo    11  27
# 12:   Y bar    12  30
# 13:   Z foo    13  45
# 14:   Z bar    14  48
# 15:   Z foo    15  45
# 16:   Z bar    16  48
# 17:   Z foo    17  45
# 18:   Z bar    18  48

Further Resources & Related Tutorials

Here, you can find some additional resources on topics such as variables, groups, and extracting data.

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