Heatmap without Ordering & Dendrogram in R (Example Code)

This tutorial shows how to sort the rows and columns of a heatmap in the R programming language.

Example Data

set.seed(23673243)             # Construct random example matrix
example_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 10)
colnames(example_matrix) <- paste0("C", 1:10)
rownames(example_matrix) <- paste0("R", 1:5)
example_matrix                 # Display example matrix in RStudio console
#              C1         C2         C3         C4          C5         C6          C7         C8         C9        C10
# R1 -0.008725048  0.3725855 -1.0827395  1.2406760 -0.46382089  0.4793985 -0.65945509 -1.5785937  0.7905058  1.9223815
# R2  0.318856505 -0.3929117  0.9343610  0.1806054  1.13013821  0.5393940 -0.65393167 -0.7873401  0.5758661  0.3018941
# R3  0.251207798  1.3247435  1.1276704 -0.7016554  0.07780480 -0.6584143 -1.05583573  2.9129036 -0.3139361 -0.3263353
# R4  0.324973101 -0.5448206 -0.6481006  0.8660656  1.42093332 -0.3044779 -0.07168465 -0.2507589 -0.2781471 -0.8552507
# R5  0.315762988  3.0912964  0.3534547  0.5140224 -0.07689986  0.2624108 -0.11313905 -1.3839038  1.2416787 -0.9182486
heatmap(example_matrix)        # Draw default heatmap

r graph figure 1 heatmap without ordering dendrogram r

Example: Remove Dendograms & Avoid Reordering

heatmap(example_matrix,        # Heatmap with order as in matrix
        Rowv = NA,
        Colv = NA)

r graph figure 2 heatmap without ordering dendrogram r

Further Resources & Related Tutorials

Please find some further R programming tutorials on topics such as variables and dplyr below.

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