Concatenate Two data.table Objects Vertically in R (Example Code)

In this article you’ll learn how to append two data.tables vertically in the R programming language.

Preparing the Example

install.packages("data.table")          # Install data.table package
library("data.table")                   # Load data.table
dt_A <- data.table(A = 10:5,            # Create two data.tables
                   B = letters[10:5])
#     A B
# 1: 10 j
# 2:  9 i
# 3:  8 h
# 4:  7 g
# 5:  6 f
# 6:  5 e
dt_B <- data.table(A = 21:15,
                   B = letters[21:15])
#     A B
# 1: 21 u
# 2: 20 t
# 3: 19 s
# 4: 18 r
# 5: 17 q
# 6: 16 p
# 7: 15 o

Example: Appending Two data.tables Vertically

dt_AB <- rbindlist(list(dt_A, dt_B))    # Concatenate two data.tables
#      A B
#  1: 10 j
#  2:  9 i
#  3:  8 h
#  4:  7 g
#  5:  6 f
#  6:  5 e
#  7: 21 u
#  8: 20 t
#  9: 19 s
# 10: 18 r
# 11: 17 q
# 12: 16 p
# 13: 15 o

Further Resources

Below, you may find some further resources that are related to the content of this page.

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