Calculate Standard Deviation by Group in Python (2 Examples)

In this tutorial, I’ll illustrate how to calculate the standard deviation by group in the Python programming language.

Setting up the Examples

import pandas as pd                               # Import pandas library
my_df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(16, 28),          # Constructing a pandas DataFrame
                      'B':[6, 7, 3, 9, 2, 4, 10, 1, 3, 8, 8, 9],
                      'C':range(20, 8, - 1),
                      'GRP_a':['gr1', 'gr1', 'gr2', 'gr3', 'gr1', 'gr2', 'gr3', 'gr1', 'gr2', 'gr2', 'gr3', 'gr3'],
                      'GRP_b':['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a']})
#      A   B   C GRP_a GRP_b
# 0   16   6  20   gr1     a
# 1   17   7  19   gr1     b
# 2   18   3  18   gr2     c
# 3   19   9  17   gr3     a
# 4   20   2  16   gr1     b
# 5   21   4  15   gr2     c
# 6   22  10  14   gr3     c
# 7   23   1  13   gr1     a
# 8   24   3  12   gr2     b
# 9   25   8  11   gr2     b
# 10  26   8  10   gr3     a
# 11  27   9   9   gr3     a

Example 1: Calculating Standard Deviation by Group in Python

print(my_df.groupby('GRP_a').std())               # Computing the column standard deviation by group
#               A         B         C
# GRP_a                              
# gr1    3.162278  2.943920  3.162278
# gr2    3.162278  2.380476  3.162278
# gr3    3.696846  0.816497  3.696846

Example 2: Calculating Standard Deviation by Group & Subgroup in Python

print(my_df.groupby(['GRP_a', 'GRP_b']).std())    # Computing the column standard deviation by multiple groups
#                     A         B         C
# GRP_a GRP_b                              
# gr1   a      4.949747  3.535534  4.949747
#       b      2.121320  3.535534  2.121320
# gr2   b      0.707107  3.535534  0.707107
#       c      2.121320  0.707107  2.121320
# gr3   a      4.358899  0.577350  4.358899
#       c           NaN       NaN       NaN

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