How to Add Days, Months & Years to a datetime Object in Python (3 Examples)

This post explains how to add days, months, and years to datetime objects in Python.

Creating Example Data & Loading datetime Module

We can load the datetime module as shown below.

import datetime

The data below will be used for the examples of this tutorial.

x = datetime.datetime(2026, 7, 10, 11, 15, 44) 
# 2026-07-10 11:15:44

Example 1: Adding Days to Date & Time Object

The timedelta function can be used to add additional days to a datetime object.

x_days = x + datetime.timedelta(days = 50)
# 2026-08-29 11:15:44

Example 2: Adding Months to Date & Time Object

The Python code below adds months to a datetime object.

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
x_months = x + relativedelta(months = 20)
# 2028-03-10 11:15:44

Example 3: Adding Years to Date & Time Object

The relativedelta function can also be applied to add further years to a datetime object in Python.

x_years = x + relativedelta(years = 3)
# 2029-07-10 11:15:44


Further Resources

Please find some related tutorials below.


Matthias Bäuerlen Python Programmer

Note: This article was created in collaboration with Matthias Bäuerlen. Matthias is a programmer who helps to create tutorials on the Python programming language. You might find more info about Matthias and his other articles on his profile page.

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